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Tips and Advice for Managing a Home’s Maintenance

Maintaining an income property correctly will ensure that the home lasts longer and keep it more attractive for future tenants or buyers. Although not all of the home maintenance falls on the property owner’s shoulders, it’s a good idea to get to know what maintenance is necessary so that your property doesn’t lose value any time soon.

These are the most important things to keep in mind for home maintenance and managing a property, and working with your tenants to ensure they do their part.

Friendly Talks With Tenants About Their Part of the Work

It’s a good idea to ensure that you have conversations with your tenants often to keep a healthy line of communication. Be friendly and polite and talk to them about what parts of maintenance may be due soon on their part. This could range from mowing the lawn to taking the time to upkeep the gutters or clear the yard of any pet waste. Let them know ahead of time that they’re due for this, and set friendly reminders, so they don’t forget.

Ensure The Roof Is Cared For In Every Season

Your roof is a large investment that costs a lot of money, so it’s vital that it’s up-to-date and well-maintained. Then, when it’s time for you to replace it, go for stylish and long-lasting barrel roof tiles, and ensure that any old tiles are removed before application. From here, the roof must be cleared whenever debris starts to build upon it.

In most cases, this is the landlord’s responsibility. If the roof isn’t cleared, it can quickly build up until the debris clogs gutters so that they can’t safely divert water from the property.

Get Into Gear on The Main Complaints

When you’re working on the property, there are three parts of the property that will be complained about the most.  If these aren’t well maintained, your tenants will let you know.  This can foster animosity and make it so they no longer want to rent with you, so you should take the time to take care of them early.

Plumbing is a big deal, so make sure that pipes are well taken care of, that toilets flush and run well, and that none of the sinks are leaking or causing issues.  If you can, clean the faucet heads on sinks and showers to give them a cleaner space when they’re first moving in.

HVAC is another big point many tenants get upset about. The moment your heating or cooling go out you’re going to notice.  For this, make sure they know filters should be changed out at least every other month.  You can even drop off a few when they first move in to make it easier on them.

The final common complaint is electrical issues.  Test every outlet before they move in.  Make sure switches work, and that none of the lights or outlets seem hazardous.  People don’t mess around when it comes to their health, so it’s vital that you take care of electrical problems early on.

Pay Attention To The Entrances and Windows

The entrances and windows of your property matter because they can stop or allow temperature fluctuations, insects, or moisture from outside into the home. This can cause a lot of damage to the property, so these must be properly fit. Consider looking at garage door installation costs to update this part of your home. It helps to add an extra layer of protection to the property.  Although this can be pricey, it increases the property’s value and allows tenants to feel more secure.

Ensure Insulation is Up to date

Insulation is a fundamental aspect of home maintenance that often goes unnoticed but plays a crucial role in energy efficiency and comfort. It acts as a barrier, preventing the unwanted transfer of heat between your home’s interior and the external environment. Proper insulation keeps your living spaces cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, reducing the strain on your HVAC system and ultimately lowering energy bills. Regularly checking and maintaining insulation, especially in attics, walls, and around windows and doors, ensures that your home remains well-protected against temperature fluctuations. Investing in high-quality insulation tools is essential for ensuring efficient installation and long-term effectiveness of the home insulation. Taking the time to assess and upgrade insulation as needed can lead to long-term savings and a more comfortable living environment.

Update Siding To Avoid Rot or Energy Costs

Your property’s siding should be updated every twenty to thirty years, depending on the type of siding you’ve invested in. Although it can be expensive to replace, it’s worth ensuring that mold and rot don’t occur against your building. Look for a type of siding that will last long, look good, and be a great selling point for future tenants. There are many different types of siding, such as exterior wood cladding that can provide these benefits. So try to find one that’s good for both your budget, as well as your location. 

Update and Maintain the HVAC System

When properly updated and maintained, an HVAC system can save tenants a lot of money on their monthly bills. Look into what electric heating options are available in your area and set up a system that works for you and your property. Let tenants know how often they need to replace their filters so that the system will run at its best. Specify the brand that works best with your system. 

Complete At Least Two Inspections A Year

It may feel overkill to do two inspections a year, but there’s no better way to ensure that your property is well maintained. A lot can happen in six months, so it’s a good idea to pay attention. Be friendly, and let them know when the property will be inspected at least a couple of days ahead. Use these inspections as a good point to let them know what they need to change. Discuss in a friendly manner what work on their side is going to be due soon.

Protecting the Home in the Winter

In the winter it’s a good idea to have it ready to handle whatever can be thrown at it.  This means stopping to ensure the pipes are protected. Keeping an eye out for any cracks in cement that need to be sealed. Look at windows and doors that might be leaking air.  Have a conversation with the tenants about what’s expected for shoveling or removing ice. Give them tips on how to do it most easily if they seem overwhelmed.

Work With a Property Management Company

home maintenance

Working with a property management company is often the best option for many owners who want to ensure their properties are safe and well-maintained. These companies can keep in touch with tenants, ensure maintenance is completed on both sides, and make it so that tenants don’t take things personally if changes are required. 

All Properties Need Home Maintenance to Retain Value

Whether you’re renting out a four-bedroom home or a cabin, home maintenance is required to ensure that properties keep their value and continue to bring an income. Get to know your property and its needs. Discuss with tenants what you can do together to ensure the property is not only safe for them but comfortable and well-maintained. This will foster a better relationship with them and leave your property ready for future tenants.

Jordan Swift